Be it ordained by the Malden City Council that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) Title 12 is hereby amended as follows:
1. Amend Section 12.12.030 Table of Use Regulations, to add the following new Business use category:
Motor Vehicle Services
No No No No No No SP SP SP -
2. Amend Section 12.12.030 Table of Use Regulations, to change the following use category as follows:
“Gasoline Filling & Service Station”
3. Amend Section 12.16.010 Table of Intensity Regulations, to add the following:
Motor Vehicle Services
Area Frontage Front Side Both Rear Min. Open Coverage Coverage Density Max. Sides Space Principal Accessory Height
20,000 100’ 25’ 25’ 50’ 25’ -- 50% 20% -- 30’ and 1 story
4. Amend Section 12.20.010 Table of Offstreet Parking and Loading Regulations, to add the following:
Minimum Number Minimum Number
of Parking Spaces of Loading Bays/spaces
Motor Vehicle Services 4 per 1,000 sq ft 1 of gross floor area
5. Amend Section 12.20.010 Delete “Car wash”
6. Amend Section 12.32.060 Definitions, to change the existing definition of “Service Station” to “Motor Vehicle Services” as follows:
Motor Vehicle Services Station: A building or structure or part thereof, used for providing services to motor vehicles, including but not limited to car washing, oil changes, detailing and routine maintenance services, and supplying accessories to or parts of motor vehicles for profit, excluding including fuel, with facilities for making minor changes and adjustments to motor vehicles, without the use of heavy machinery, but not structural changes nor major mechanical repairs. Motor Vehicle Services is expressly defined to exclude any use classified as a Motor Vehicle Repair Shop or Gasoline Filling Station. Any use classified as Motor Vehicle Services shall not be considered Retail Services for purposes of use regulations, dimensional controls and parking and loading requirements.