Resolved: That it is the sense of the City Council that the Mayor file and accept grants with and from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) through the Parklands Acquisition and Renovation for Communities (PARC) Grant Program for "Phase II" improvements to Devir Park
Resolved: That the Mayor be authorized to apply for grants and execute documents required to affect the planned renovations to Devir Park, and that actions taken prior to this vote be ratified and confirmed.
Resolved: That the Mayor be authorized to file and accept a PARC grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) for "Phase II" improvements to Devir Park.
Whereas: Devir Park is dedicated to park and recreation purposes by deed; and
Whereas: The "Phase II" project builds upon the recent improvements and proposes an improved and expanded green space for soccer, and a new softball field that is fully universally accessible; and
Whereas: The City of Malden identified the need to improve its parks and infrastructure to address accessibility, climate resiliency, and other needs disproportionately affecting low- and moderate- income residents in its Open Space and Recreation Plan of 2017; and
Whereas: The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) has awarded a $500,000 grant to the City of Malden through the PARC grant program (301 CMR 5.00) which offers reimbursable grants to cities and towns to support the preservation and restoration of urban parks; and
Whereas: The total project cost for the scope of work in the PARC grant application is $1,464,596; and
Whereas: In anticipation of the listed grant reimbursement program the City appropriates the total cost of the project, subject to the execution of grant agreements before the City actually obtains the appropriated amount;
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved:
1. That the Mayor be and is hereby authorized...
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