Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/30/2015 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
421-15 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of June 16, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
422-15 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of June 23, 2015approvedPass Action details Not available
423-15 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Mark Lawhorne, 472 Highland Ave. as member of the Malden Housing Authority for term expiring May 1, 2020referredPass Action details Not available
424-15 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John P. O’Flaherty, 21A John St., Chelsea (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
425-15 1  PetitionSelf-Service Gas Station: Hess 21512, 214-221 Broadway (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
426-15 1  PetitionSelf-Service Gas Station: Gibbs Oil Company, LP 728 Main St. (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
427-15 1  PetitionOutdoor Parking: Greer’s Autobody Inc. 271 Broadway (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
428-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Mayor be authorized to sign an amended and re-stated Land Disposition Agreement for 200 Pleasant St.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
429-15 1  OrderOrder: That transfers among various accounts be authorized for the purpose of finalizing FY2015. Ordered: That the $329,203 (Three Thousand Twenty Nine Two Hundred and Three Dollars and No Cents) be transferred from the following accounts: Account Name Amount Legislative Miscellaneous $1.00 Executive Operating Cost $5,600.00 Board of Appeals Misc $1.00 Library Salaries $16,000.00 Veterans Misc. $1.00 Temp Loan Misc Interest $ 165,000.00 Workers Comp Settlements $ 48,000.00 Unemployment Comp $ 77,600.00 Non Contrib Retirement $ 17,000.00 TOTAL $329,203.00 To the following accounts: Account Name Amount Legislative Salaries $1.00 Executive Salaries $5,600.00 Treasurer Tax Title $205,000.00 Board of Appeal Stipends $1.00 Firefighter Overtime $70,000.00 Engineering Salaries $7,700.00 Library Gas and Light $16,000.00 PIPS Salaries $4,400.00 Veterans Salaries $1.00 Stadium Salaries $4,000.00 Medium InsuranadoptedPass Action details Not available
430-15 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council approve payment of approximately $35,000 to Blum Shapiro for auditing services in connection with the Department of Permits, Inspections and Planning Services.referredPass Action details Not available
434-15 1  ResolutionResolve: That for a period of 30 months the City of Malden dedicate $5,000,000. of its financial reserves for the acquisition of the former Malden Hospital Site.passedPass Action details Not available
439-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Mayor relative to Stadium & Athletic Field Commission. Dear Members of the Council: Under the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Acts of 2015, I hereby designate Kathleen Manning-Hall as my designee to the Stadium & Athletic Field Commission. Sincerely, GARY J. CHRISTENSON, Mayorreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
431-15 1  ClaimClaim: Rubens LeJentus 44 Myrtle St.referredPass Action details Not available
432-15 1  ClaimClaim: Jaimie Marchioni, 1351 Salem St.referredPass Action details Not available
433-15 1  Committee ReportThe Standing Committee on Finance, to whom was referred Paper #355-15, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably with the following amendment: that the order be amended to read as follows: That the Mayor and Council President be authorized to sign a Tax Increment Exmeption Agreement in substantially the following form: (see HDIP attachment) Councillor Murphy for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
355-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Mayor and Council President be authorized to sign a Tax Increment Exemption Agreement for the property at 125-150 Pleasant St.adoptedPass Action details Not available
354-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Mayor and Council President be authorized to sign a Tax Increment Exemption Agreement for the property at 184 & 200 Pleasant St. and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a purchase and sales agreement for purchase of property for use as City Hall.amendedPass Action details Not available
354-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Mayor and Council President be authorized to sign a Tax Increment Exemption Agreement for the property at 184 & 200 Pleasant St. and that the Mayor be authorized to execute a purchase and sales agreement for purchase of property for use as City Hall.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
436-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #289-15 Amending Chapter 12 to add use, dimensional and parking controls and definition of Adult Day Care) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #289 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably with the following amendment: -that everything after the enacting clause be stricken and the following inserted in place thereof: Be it hereby ordained by the Malden City Council that Chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended as follows: (Summary of Proposed Amendment: To establish use regulations, dimensional controls, parking requirements and a definition for Adult Daycare Center._ -Amend Section 300.3 Table of Use Regulations, to add the following: Section 300.3.4.27 Adult Day Health Center A B C RO BN BC BH I1 I2 No No No No No No No SP SP -Amend Section 400.1 Table of Intensity Regulations, to add the following: Section 400.1.4.22 Adult Day Health Center received and filedPass Action details Not available
289-15 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to add use, dimensional, parking controls and a definition of “Adult Day Care”amendedPass Action details Not available
289-15 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 12 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to add use, dimensional, parking controls and a definition of “Adult Day Care”tabledPass Action details Not available
437-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #273-15 That the Ordinance Committee recommend language for inclusion on the municipal election ballot of a non-binding ballot question relative to the limits of population growth and density) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #273 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that the following question be included on the municipal election ballot, subject to approval by the City Clerk and City Solicitor: “Should the City of Malden adopt a moratorium on all new housing and apartment development for one year to create a citizen driven plan which would limit Malden’s apartments and housing growth in a manner which would insure that the city did not grow its population density to more than 13,000 people per square mile?” Councillor D’Arcangelo for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
273-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Ordinance Committee recommend language for inclusion on the municipal election ballot of a non-binding ballot question relative to the limits of population growth and density.amendedPass Action details Not available
273-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Ordinance Committee recommend language for inclusion on the municipal election ballot of a non-binding ballot question relative to the limits of population growth and density.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
438-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: License (Paper #372-15 CarMatch Group, 105-109 Braodway) The Standing Committee on License to whom was referred Paper #372 Series of 2015 having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this license be granted. Councillor Anderson for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
372-15 1  PetitionClass II: CarMatch Group, LLC 105-109 Broadway (New)grantedPass Action details Not available