Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 11/22/2016 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: John & Christina Markey Community Center, 7 Washington St.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
441-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City adopt a Residential Factor of .897364 and Residential Exemption of 30% for FY2017.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
434-16 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of October 25, 2016approvedPass Action details Video Video
435-16 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of November 1, 2016approvedPass Action details Video Video
436-16 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of November 15, 2016approvedPass Action details Video Video
437-16 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment (Constable): Roberta A Nunes, 154 Clifton St., Malden (Confirmation not required)placed on filePass Action details Video Video
438-16 1  AppointmentMayor’s Re-appointment: Roberta J. Noland, 10 Erickson St. as a member of the Cultural Council (Term Exp.: Nov. 15, 2019)referredPass Action details Video Video
439-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Joseph O’Hearn 3 Miner St. Somerville (Malden Trans.)referredPass Action details Video Video
440-16 1  PetitionClass II: Scott M. Fitzpatrick dba Wentworth Auto Sales, 730 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
442-16 1  OrderOrder: That $24,549.00 be transferred from Police Salaries to Public Facilities Salaries.referredPass Action details Video Video
443-16 1  OrderOrder: That future excise tax be dedicated to completion of the roadwork project.referredPass Action details Video Video
444-16 1  OrderOrder: That the Ordinance Committee review ordinances in light of the recent vote to legalize marijuana to insure that appropriate controls are in place.referredPass Action details Video Video
445-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council establish an ad hoc committee on traffic mitigationadoptedPass Action details Video Video
446-16 1  OrderOrder: That the Traffic Commission schedule meetings at the John & Christina Markey Senior Community Center for 5 p.m. on evenings that coincide with City Council meetings.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
449-16 1  OrderOrder: That the Controller provide receipts, invoices, payment requests and/or reimbursement requests related to work done at High Rock with a particular focus on the new chain link fence on the property..Free Form Pass Action details Video Video
  1  OrderOrder: That the City petition the Legislature to designate High Rock a protected conservation area.Free Form Pass Action details Video Video
447-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Solicitor work with the PIPS Director to investigate alleged encroachment on City property at High Rock.Free Form Pass Action details Video Video
447-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Solicitor work with the PIPS Director to investigate alleged encroachment on City property at High Rock.defeatedPass Action details Video Video
448-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City conduct a survey of High Rock in order to identify possible encroachment and to adequately defend public property and assets.Free Form Pass Action details Video Video
448-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City conduct a survey of High Rock in order to identify possible encroachment and to adequately defend public property and assets.defeatedPass Action details Video Video
451-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City establish a Capital Improvement ProgrampassedPass Action details Video Video
452-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City Council condemn violence and hate speech, expressing solidarity with Muslims and all those targeted for their ethnicity, race or religionamendedFail Action details Video Video
452-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City Council condemn violence and hate speech, expressing solidarity with Muslims and all those targeted for their ethnicity, race or religionamendedPass Action details Video Video
452-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City Council condemn violence and hate speech, expressing solidarity with Muslims and all those targeted for their ethnicity, race or religionamendedPass Action details Video Video
452-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City Council condemn violence and hate speech, expressing solidarity with Muslims and all those targeted for their ethnicity, race or religionamendedPass Action details Video Video
452-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City Council condemn violence and hate speech, expressing solidarity with Muslims and all those targeted for their ethnicity, race or religionpassed as amendedPass Action details Video Video
453-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That the Traffic Commission adopt a regulation relative to the closing of traffic lanes on major arteriespassedPass Action details Video Video
454-16 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Malden Planning Board re: Paper #418/16 (Amending Chapter 12 relative to General Offstreet Parking Requirements for Single, Two, Three, Four Family and Town/Row Dwellings)received and filedPass Action details Not available
455-16 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #387/16 (Amending Chapter 12 to extend moratorium on Multi-Family Dwelling Units)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
456-16 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #386/16 (Amending Use regulations for Multi-Family Dwellings over 3 stories; Dimensional Controls (Yard Setbacks, Open Space) for Multi-Family Dwellings in all zoning districts and Dimensional Controls (all) for Multi-Family Dwellings in Central Business district)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
457-16 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #381/16 (Amending Chapter 12 relative to definition of Working Artist)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
458-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Paper #428-16 that $800,000 be transferred from Salary Reserve to Police Salaries)received and filedPass Action details Not available
428-16 1  OrderOrder: That $800,000.00 be transferred from Salary Reserve to Police SalariesadoptedPass Action details Not available
459-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Paper #407-16 Order: be it hereby ordained by the City Council that section 8.42.5 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 as amended be further amended Re: Police Patrolman’s Salary Schedule.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
407-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 8.42.5 of R.O. 1991 be amended re: Police Patrolmen’s Salary ScheduleenrolledPass Action details Video Video
407-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 8.42.5 of R.O. 1991 be amended re: Police Patrolmen’s Salary Schedulerules suspendedPass Action details Video Video
407-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 8.42.5 of R.O. 1991 be amended re: Police Patrolmen’s Salary ScheduleordainedPass Action details Not available
460-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Paper# 406 Amending Section 8.42.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to the salary Schedule for Public Works, Parking, Traffic, Water, Sewer and Cemetery employees)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
406-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 8.42.2 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to Public Works, Parks, Traffic, Water, Sewer and Cemetery SalariesenrolledPass Action details Not available
406-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 8.42.2 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to Public Works, Parks, Traffic, Water, Sewer and Cemetery Salariesrules suspendedPass Action details Not available
406-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 8.42.2 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to Public Works, Parks, Traffic, Water, Sewer and Cemetery SalariesordainedPass Action details Not available
461-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #381 Amending Chapter 12 relative to the definition of Working Artist) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #381, Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this Paper be reported out favorably with the following amendment: that Body Art be specifically excluded from the definition of Working Artist. COUNCILLOR SPADAFORA FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedFail Action details Video Video
381-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 12 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the definition of Working ArtistamendedPass Action details Not available
381-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 12 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the definition of Working Artistenrolled as amendedPass Action details Not available
381-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 12 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the definition of Working Artistrules suspendedPass Action details Not available
381-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 12 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the definition of Working ArtistordainedPass Action details Not available
462-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #387 Amending Chapter12 To Extend Moratorium on Multifamily Dwelling Units) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #387 Series of 2016, having considered the same, make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably with the following amendments: 1. That the moratorium expire on June 30, 2017 and 2. That the moratorium apply to the Central Business District. COUNCILLOR SPADAFORA FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
387-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that the building moratorium imposed by Paper #541-15 be extended for six months and expanded to include multi-family structures citywideamendedPass Action details Video Video
387-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that the building moratorium imposed by Paper #541-15 be extended for six months and expanded to include multi-family structures citywideenrolled as amendedPass Action details Video Video
387-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that the building moratorium imposed by Paper #541-15 be extended for six months and expanded to include multi-family structures citywiderules suspendedPass Action details Video Video
387-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that the building moratorium imposed by Paper #541-15 be extended for six months and expanded to include multi-family structures citywideordainedPass Action details Video Video
463-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #418 Amending Chapter 12 relative to General Offstreet Parking Requirements (Landscaping of Front, Side &Rear Yards) for Single, Two, Three, Four-family and Town/Row Dwellings) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #418, Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this Paper be reported out favorably. COUNCILLOR SPADAFORA FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
418-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 500.2.20 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to open space requirements for certain residential uses.enrolledPass Action details Video Video
418-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 500.2.20 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to open space requirements for certain residential uses.rules suspendedPass Action details Video Video
418-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 500.2.20 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to open space requirements for certain residential uses.ordainedPass Action details Video Video
465-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #642/15 Amending R.O. 1991 by adding new section relative to the applicability of the Stretch Energy Code) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #465, Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this Paper be reported out favorably. COUNCILLOR SPADAFORA FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
642-15 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 3.1A of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to adopt the Stretch Energy Code.enrolledPass Action details Video Video
642-15 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 3.1A of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to adopt the Stretch Energy Code.rules suspendedPass Action details Video Video
642-15 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 3.1A of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to adopt the Stretch Energy Code.ordainedPass Action details Video Video
420-16 1  PetitionPetition: To store Gasoline in the tanks for 154 vehicles at 480 Main St. (HEARING REQUIRED)taken from the tablePass Action details Video Video
420-16 1  PetitionPetition: To store Gasoline in the tanks for 154 vehicles at 480 Main St. (HEARING REQUIRED)grantedPass Action details Video Video
464-16 1  OrderOrder: That the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority appear before the City Council in two weeks to provide a status update on Field of Dreams project at the National Grid site.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available