Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/9/2016 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
65-16 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of January 26, 2016.approvedPass Action details Video Video
66-16 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of Feb. 2, 2016approvedPass Action details Not available
67-16 1  PetitionTaxi Cab: Taxi Time Transportation Time 67 Porter St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
68-16 1  PetitionTaxi Cab: Malden Trans. Inc. 290 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
69-16 1  PetitionTaxi Cab: Yellow Trans. Inc. 290 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
70-16 1  PetitionLivery: Kassahun T. Damita 411 Salem St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
71-16 1  PetitionLivery: Syed Jafri dba Green Shamrock Car Services 101 Waite St. A-5 (New)referredPass Action details Video Video
72-16 1  PetitionLivery Driver: Dawit Waldu, 15 Phillips St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
73-16 1  PetitionLivery: Brahim Boudlal 1 Maple St. #10, Malden (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
74-16 1  PetitionLivery : Linda DelloIacono 259 Mountain Ave. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
75-16 1  PetitionLivery: Shimelis Adugna 93 Bowers Ave. #2 (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
76-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Christopher Gochckowski 48 Cedar St. Everett (New)referredPass Action details Video Video
77-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Edward Blake 8 Faulkner St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
78-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: James Curry 263 Highland Ave. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
79-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John A. Danca 36 Highland Ct. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
80-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Allan Fisher 28 Hazelwood St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
81-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: James J. Fraser 52 Rock Valley Ave. #2 Everett (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
82-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Richard J. Habeeb 862 Broadway Revere (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
83-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Daniel P. Knight 36 Church St. Everett (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
84-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Ismar Maldonado, 10 Stone Place, Somerville (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
85-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Darren W. McClurg 95 Nichols St. #4 Everett (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
86-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: David McNamara 51 Melrose St., Melrose (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
87-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Michael Rapaglia 58 Lawrence St. #1, Methuen (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
88-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Arthur Rizzo 10 Nancia St. East Boston (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
89-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: James A. Schultz 10 Ashland St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
90-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John Spano 30 Daniels St. #110 (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
91-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: William L. Sweet 1300 Salem St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
92-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Valentin Tchaly, 97 Devir St. #408 (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
93-16 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Chapter 8 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to Employee BenefitsreferredPass Action details Video Video
94-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City form a Transportation Vision Action TeamreferredPass Action details Video Video
95-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Clerk notify inhabitants of the Presidential Primary to be held on March 1, 2016. Ordered: That the City Clerk notify and warn the inhabitants of the City who are qualified to vote in Primaries to vote in their respective wards and precincts on TUESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 2016, from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. for the following purpose: To cast their votes in the State Primaries for the candidates of political parties for the following offices: PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH STATE COMMITTEE MAN FOR THE 5th MIDDLESEX SENATORIAL DISTRICT STATE COMMITTEE WOMAN FOR THE 5TH MIDDLESEX SENATORIAL DISTRICT WARD COMMITTEE FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE WARDS.adoptedPass Action details Not available
96-16 1  OrderOrdered: That the Ordinance Committee draft a regulation for consideration by the City Council and Traffic Commission for a citywide resident sticker parking program.referredPass Action details Video Video
97-16 1  OrderOrder: That polling places be designated for 2016 ORDERED: That the following locations be designated as polling places for 2016 elections: WD. PCT. LOCATION |109| |99| FERRYWAY SCHOOL, WALNUT ST. |109| |99| FERRYWAY SCHOOL,WALNUT ST. |109| |99| COMMUNITY ROOM, 89 PEARL ST. |109| |99| IRISH AMERICAN, WEST ST. |109| |99| BEEBE SCHOOL, K-4 GYMNASIUM |109| |99| BEEBE SCHOOL, MUSIC ROOM |109| |99| HOLMES SCHOOL, GYMNASIUM |109| |99| COUNCIL CHAMBER, GOVT. CENTER |109| |99| SALEMWOOD SCHOOL |109| |99| FORESTDALE SCHOOL |109| |99| GYM, MYSTIC VALLEY CHARTER SCHOOL |109| |99| COMMUNITY ROOM, 630 SALEM ST. |109| |99| FERRYWAY SCHOOL, CROSS ST. |109| |99| COMM. ROOM, SUFFOLK MANOR |109| |99| LINDEN SCHOOL, WESCOTT ST. |109| |99| LINDEN SCHOOL, WESCOTT ST.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
98-16 1  ResolutionResolve: That any fees or charges for a citywide sticker parking program be prohibited.passedFail Action details Video Video
99-16 1  BondBond: Anthony Chiuarelli, Director of Human Resources City of MaldenapprovedPass Action details Video Video
100-16 1  Communication2015 Annual Reports of Boards and Commissions A. Board of Appeal B. Board of Health C. Conservation Commission D. Cemetery Trustees E. Cultural Council F. Historical Commission G. Housing Authority H. Licensing Board I. Pine Banks Board of Trustees J. Planning Board K. Public Works Commission L. Redevelopment Authority M. Scholarship Committee N. Stadium Commission O. Traffic Commission P. Board of Assessors Q. Mystic Valley Development Commissionreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
101-16 1  ClaimClaim: Vsevolod Petriv, 41 West St., Malden, MAreferredPass Action details Video Video
102-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: License (Renewal of Various Class II, Amusement Machine and Taxi Driver Licenses) The Standing Committee on License, to whom was referred Papers #630, 669,677 and 678 Series of 2015 and Papers #37-44 and 46-47 Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that these licenses be granted. COUNCILLOR ANDERSON FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
630-15 1  PetitionClass II Dealer: River Auto Sales Inc. 77 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
669-15 1  PetitionClass II: MacMillen Automotive, 388 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
678-15 1  PetitionClass II Dealer: Joe Ciampa Auto Body, Inc. 322 Eastern Ave., (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
47-16 1  PetitionClass II: Flag Motor Sales, Inc. 209 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
37-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Paul J. Griffin, 168 Ferry St. #3 (New)grantedPass Action details Not available
38-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Dennis A. Sullivan, 500 Revere Beach Blvd. #205, Revere (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
39-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: William C. Cook, 25 Sherman St. Everett (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
40-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Kenneth Ferrandi, 70 Triton Ave., Winthrop (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
41-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Donald F. Porter, 25 Sherman St. Everett (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
42-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John A. Colanton, 4 Belmont Ave., Lynn (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
43-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: Frantz Paul, 15 Clarendon St. (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
44-16 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John William Johnson, 42 Vernon St. #2 (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
46-16 1  PetitionAmusement Machines: Loyal Order of Moose, Lodge 1910, 562 Broadway (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Not available
103-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: License (Renewal and Transfer of Class II: Champion Motor USA, 251 Broadway) The Standing Committee on License, to whom was referred Papers #6 Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that these licenses be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. That all outstanding taxes and charges be paid immediately and 2. That the lot be lined and spaces numbered in accordance with the plot plan on file in the City Clerk’s Office on or before May 1st. COUNCILLOR ANDERSON FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
6-16 1  PetitionClass II: Champion Motors USA, 251 Broadway (Renewal, Transfer)granted with conditionsPass Action details Not available
104-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #49 That the Council adopt rules for 2016) The Standing Committee on Ordinance to whom was referred Paper #49 Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that Rules for 2016 be adopted as follows: That the Rules for 2015 be adopted with the following amendments: - That Rule 10.02 be amended to read as follows: 10.02 In the absence of the President, the senior member present shall preside. Senior member shall mean the member with the most years of continuous service to his/her credit as a member of the present Malden City Council. - That Rule 1 be amended to read as follows: 1.00 SCHEDULE OF COUNCIL/COMMITTEE MEETINGS 1.01 To the extent practicable, regular meetings of the City Council and City Council Committees shall be scheduled on alternate Tuesdays; provided that no regular meetings shall be scheduled on an election, a legal holiday or during the months of July and August; and provided further that the first meeting in January and September of each year and the last meeting in June and received and filedPass Action details Video Video
49-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council adopt Rules and Orders for 2016.amended  Action details Not available
49-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council adopt Rules and Orders for 2016.withdrawn  Action details Not available
49-16 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council adopt Rules and Orders for 2016.adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
105-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #48 Amending Section 2.26 of R.O. 1991 relative to the composition of the Compliance Committee) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #48 Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably. COUNCILLOR SPADAFORA FOR THE COMMITTEEreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
48-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 2.26 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the composition of the Compliance Committee.enrolledPass Action details Not available
48-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 2.26 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the composition of the Compliance Committee.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
48-16 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that Section 2.26 of R.O. 1991 be amended relative to the composition of the Compliance Committee.ordainedPass Action details Not available
106-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Paper #21 That $150,000 be transferred from Temp. Loan Misc. to Public Facilities Maintenance) The Standing Committee on Finance, to whom was referred Paper #21 Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably. Councillor Kinnon for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
21-16 1  OrderOrder: That $150,000 be transferred from Temp Loan Miscellaneous to Public Facilities School Building MaintenanceadoptedPass Action details Not available
107-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Paper #19 That $20,000 be transferred from Rev. Res to DPW Traffic Dept. Operating Costs) The Standing Committee on Finance, to whom was referred Paper #19 Series of 2016, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably. Councillor Kinnon for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
19-16 1  OrderOrder: That $20,000 be transferred from Revenue Reserve to DPW Traffic Department Operating CostsadoptedPass Action details Not available
108-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Appointments (Paper #542-15 Peter Santangelo appointed as member of the Conservation Commission) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments to whom was referred Paper #524-15 having considered the same make the following report: the Committee recommends that this appointment be confirmed. Councillor Matheson for the Committee.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
524-15 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Peter Santangelo, 41 Fairview Terrace, as member of the Conservation Commission (Term Exp: 10/5/17)confirmedPass Action details Not available
109-16 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Appointments (Paper #509-15 Avlot Quessa appointed as member of the Cultural Council) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments to whom was referred Paper #509-15 having considered the same make the following report: the Committee recommends that this appointment be confirmed. Councillor Matheson for the Committee.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
509-15 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Avlot Quessa, 84 Rutland St. as member of the Cultural Council (Term Exp: 9/18/18)confirmedPass Action details Not available