Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/24/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
For Approval at the Meeting of September 2, 2014
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
340-14 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of June 17, 2014.approvedPass Action details Video Video
341-14 1  AppointmentCouncil Re-appointment: Craig Spadafora as member of the Commission on Energy EfficiencyconfirmedPass Action details Video Video
342-14 1  AppointmentCouncil Re-appointment: Molly Pidgeon as member of the Commission on Energy EfficiencyconfirmedPass Action details Video Video
343-14 1  PetitionTaxi Driver License: Arthur Richard Kisthart, 31 Jefferson Ave., Chelsea, MAgrantedPass Action details Video Video
344-14 1  PetitionTaxi Driver License: Pietro Mirabile, 25 Woodland Rd., Stoneham, MAgrantedPass Action details Video Video
345-14 1  PetitionLivery License: Tayou A. Mamo, 15 Granville Ave.grantedPass Action details Video Video
346-14 1  PetitionSelf-Service Gas Station: Wash Depot, Inc. 333 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Video Video
347-14 1  PetitionSelf Service Gas Station: Hess 21512 214-221 Broadway (Renewal)grantedPass Action details Video Video
348-14 1  OrderOrder: That the Mayor be authorized to act behalf of the city on Mass DOT Project #607446 (Infrastructure improvements to the intersection of Highland Ave., Pleasant St. and Elm St.)tabledPass Action details Video Video
349-14 1  OrderOrder: That the City take by eminent domain a temporary partial easement at 452 Pleasant St. for the public purpose of making infrastructure improvements to the intersection of Pleasant St., Elm Street and Highland Ave.tabledPass Action details Video Video
350-14 1  OrderOrder: That the City award damages under MGL Chapter 79 for a temporary partial easement taken at 452 Pleasant St.tabledPass Action details Video Video
351-14 1  OrderOrder: That the City re-take public property for purposes compliance with federal regulations regarding public improvements in accordance with the Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Project on Pleasant St., Elm Street and Highland Ave.tabledPass Action details Video Video
352-14 1  OrderOrder: That the City submit to the legislature for passage An Act Reconfiguring Certain Park Land in the city of Malden commonly known as Harris Delta.tabledPass Action details Video Video
353-14 1  OrderOrder: That various amounts be transferred to various accounts for the purpose of year end closing. Ordered: That the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Forty Three Dollars ($1,543) be and the same is hereby transferred from Salary Reserve 0010-996-5110 to the following accounts: Legislative Salaries 0010-111-5110 $125.00 Controller Salaries 0010-134-5110 $1,410.00 Legal Salaries 0010-151-5110 $2.00 Engineering Salaries 0010-411-5110 $2.00 Veteran’s Salaries 0010-543-5110 $1.00 Assessor Salaries 0010-141-5110 $2.00 Board of Appeal Stipend 0010-176-5166 $1.00 And be it further Ordered: That the sum of Seven Hundred Ninety Three Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Dollars ($793,430) be and the same is hereby transferred from the following accounts: $60,000 from Revenue Reserve 0010-997-5725 $8,430 from Non-Contributory Retirement 0010-910-5725 $240,000 from Unemployment Comp 0010-913-5725 $240,000 from Temp Loan Miscellaneous 0010-753-5725 $245,000 from Contributory Pensions 0010-911-5725 Into the following accounts: Executive Professional Services 0010-12adoptedPass Action details Video Video
354-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Paper #302 Annual Appropriation Order for FY2015) The Standing Committee on Finance to whom was referred Paper #302 Series of 2014 having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably with the following amendments: 1. Decrease the Water/Sewer Administrative Salaries by $525 2. Increase Mayor's administrative Salaries by $78,966.06 3. Increase Revenue (MRA Pilot Payment) by $78,966.06 4. Increase Fellmere Pond by $20,000 (80% of FY14 appropriation). 5. Reduce Revenue Reserve by $20,000 6. Increase Cemetery Salaries by $3,000 7. Decrease Revenue Reserve by $3, 000 Councillor Ultrino for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
302-14 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for Fiscal Year 2015amendedPass Action details Not available
302-14 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for Fiscal Year 2015amendedPass Action details Not available
302-14 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for Fiscal Year 2015amendedPass Action details Not available
302-14 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for Fiscal Year 2015amendedPass Action details Not available
302-14 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for Fiscal Year 2015amendedPass Action details Not available
302-14 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for Fiscal Year 2015adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
355-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: License (Papers #317 and #332/14)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
317-14 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John R. Washington, Jr., 155 Crown Point Dr., Hyde Park, MA 02136grantedPass Action details Not available
332-14 1  PetitionLivery License: Hicham Kedadry, 75 Converse Ave. (New)grantedPass Action details Not available
356-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #333 Amending Ordinances relative to hours of operation for Canvassers)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
333-14 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 6.2 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to add hours of operation for canvassers.enrolledPass Action details Not available
333-14 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 6.2 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to add hours of operation for canvassers.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
333-14 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 6.2 of the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended to add hours of operation for canvassers.ordainedPass Action details Not available
357-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #329/14 Mayor’s Appointment of Amanda Linehan as member of the Redevelopment Authority)received and filedPass Action details Video Video
329-14 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Amanda Mantone Linehan, 83 Blomerth St. as a member of the Malden Redevelopment Authority Board (Confirmation required)confirmedPass Action details Not available
358-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #334 That the Summer Youth Co-ordinator be exempt from provisions of MGl Chapter 268A Section 20.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
334-14 1  OrderOrdered: That, having complied with all applicable provisions of law, the City Council hereby exempts Kelli Collom from the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 268A Section 20 for the purpose of performing services as Malden’s Summer Youth Employment Coordinator.adoptedPass Action details Not available
359-14 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended relative to the Department of Water Utilities and the Municipal Hearing Officerrules suspendedPass Action details Not available
359-14 1  OrdinanceBe it Ordained that the Revised Ordinances of 1991 be amended relative to the Department of Water Utilities and the Municipal Hearing OfficerenrolledPass Action details Not available