Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 10/21/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
464-14 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the Meeting of October 7, 2014approvedPass Action details Video Video
465-14 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of October 14, 2014approvedPass Action details Video Video
466-14 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Richard Breen, 56 Gould Ave. as a member of the Board of Registrars of Voters for a term March 31,2017 Dear Members of the Council: Pursuant to the provisions of law, I hereby appoint Richard Breen, 56 Gould Avenue, Malden, Massachusetts as a member of the Registrar of Voters Board, said term to expire on March 31, 2017. Richard will be fulfilling the unexpired term of Kevin Alkins who recently resigned. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, GARY CHRISTENSON, MayorreferredPass Action details Video Video
467-14 1  PetitionPetition: Comcast of Southern New England, Inc. to lay and maintain underground conduits and sustaining fixtures at 42 Willow St., Malden. (HEARING REQUIRED)tabledPass Action details Video Video
468-14 1  PetitionSelf-Service Gas Station Snap Mart, 245 Main St., MaldenreferredPass Action details Video Video
469-14 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained that Section 9.40 be amended relative to exemption of certain properties from Rental Unit Inspections.referredPass Action details Video Video
470-14 1  ResolutionResolved: That the Traffic Commission consider providing a sticker to vehicles certain commercial vehicles to allow overnight on-street parking.passedPass Action details Not available
471-14 1  ResolutionResolved: That the City ask the Congressional delegation to communicate with the President relative to a moratorium on travel to the US from countries with ebola outbreaks.amendedPass Action details Video Video
471-14 1  ResolutionResolved: That the City ask the Congressional delegation to communicate with the President relative to a moratorium on travel to the US from countries with ebola outbreaks.passed as amendedPass Action details Video Video
472-14 1  CommunicationCommunication from Malden Planning Board relative to Paper #273/14 (Amending Definitions of “Family” and “Rooming House”) Re: C.C.P. #273/2014 (Definitions, Family and Rooming House) Amendment of §§800.6.2.31 & 800.6.2.61, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991 as Amended Dear Councilors: The Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a new public hearing on October 8, 2014 regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. This new public hearing was required, given that the City Council took no action on the petition within the time period prescribed by statute after the first public hearing closed on June 11, 2014. As a result of yesterday’s public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board present, namely, four of those seven members present, voted to recommend to the City Council approval of the amendment of §800.6.2.31 (Definition, Family) as submitted and approval of the amendment of §800.6.2.61 (Definition, Rooming House) revised as follows (revisions emphasized): “A building owned and/or operated by an individual or entity who retains legal possession, custody areceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
473-14 1  CommunicationCommunication from Malden Planning Board relative to Paper #425/13 (Amending Section 700.3.2 relative to Family Day Care) Re: C.C.P. #425/2013 Amendment of §700.3.2, Ch.12, Rev. Ord. of 1991 as Amended of City of Malden General Regulations, Permitted Home Occupations, Family Day Care Dear Councilors: The Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a new public hearing on October 8, 2014 regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. This new public hearing was required, given that the City Council took no action on the petition within the time period prescribed by statute after the first public hearing closed on February 12, 2014. As a result of yesterday’s public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, all seven members present, voted to recommend to the City Council disapproval of the amendment. The minutes of the joint public hearing will be made available at your request. For your reference, attached please find the Planning Report & Recommendation dated October 8, 2014, which was presented at the hearing. Finally, please be advised, received and filedPass Action details Video Video
474-14 1  ClaimClaim: Alecia M. Baran, 73 Bowers Ave., MaldenreferredPass Action details Video Video
475-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #449 Reappointment of George Laskey as member of the Conservation Commission) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments, to whom was referred Paper #449 Series of 2014, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this appointment be confirmed. Councillor Matheson for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
449-14 1  AppointmentMayor’s Re-Appointment: George Laskey, 52 Blue Hill Ave as a member of the Conservation Commission for a term expiring Sept. 15, 2016.confirmedPass Action details Video Video
476-14 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John Ness, 77 Summer St., Medford, MA 02151rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
476-14 1  PetitionTaxi Driver: John Ness, 77 Summer St., Medford, MA 02151referredPass Action details Not available