Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/29/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
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258-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordianance (Paper #225 Amending Section 5.2.2 relative to the composition of the Council on Aging) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #225 Series of 2014, having considered the same, make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably. Councillor Crowe for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
225-14 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.3 of R.O. 1991 relative to the composition, appointment and terms of Council on Aging.amendedPass Action details Not available
225-14 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.3 of R.O. 1991 relative to the composition, appointment and terms of Council on Aging.amendedPass Action details Not available
225-14 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.3 of R.O. 1991 relative to the composition, appointment and terms of Council on Aging.enrolled as amendedPass Action details Not available
225-14 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.3 of R.O. 1991 relative to the composition, appointment and terms of Council on Aging.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
225-14 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.3 of R.O. 1991 relative to the composition, appointment and terms of Council on Aging.ordainedPass Action details Not available
259-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Ordinance (Paper #432/13 Amending the composition of the Human Rights, Fair Housing and Disability Issues Commission) The Standing Committee on Ordinance, to whom was referred Paper #432 Series of 2013, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this paper be reported out favorably with the following amendment: -that everything after the enacting clause be stricken and the following inserted in place thereof: SECTION 5.2 HUMAN RIGHTS, FAIR HOUSING AND DISABILITY ISSUES COMMISSION A. PURPOSE The Human Rights, Fair Housing and Disability Issues Commission (hereinafter, “the Commission”) shall work to ensure that all residents, regardless of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, sexual preference, familial status, marital status, veteran status, or physical, mental or emotional capacity or disability, are afforded equal opportunity in or access to credit eligibility, employment, housing, education, recreation, public accommodations, public services and licensing, and shall minimize unlawful disreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
432-13 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to Human Rights, Fair Housing and Disability Issues CommissionamendedPass Action details Not available
432-13 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to Human Rights, Fair Housing and Disability Issues Commissionenrolled as amendedPass Action details Not available
432-13 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to Human Rights, Fair Housing and Disability Issues Commissionrules suspendedPass Action details Not available
432-13 1  OrdinanceAmending Section 5.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to Human Rights, Fair Housing and Disability Issues CommissionordainedPass Action details Not available
260-14 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance (Meet with Treasurer and Controller relative to impact of borrowing on debt service) The Standing Committee on Finance, having considered the impact of borrowing on debt service, makes the following report: Committee recommends that Paper #11 of 2013 be amended to reduce authorized borrowing to $13,118,879 by elimination of the following projects and/or purchases: Street & Sidewalk Reconstruction $4,750,000 Central Fire Station Repair $2,150,000 Cemetery Lawn Mower $ 15,000 City Car Fleet $ 200,000 Devir Park $ 86,094 Pearl St Tot Lot $ 170,000 Forestdale Park $ 150,000 Bell Rock Monument Repairs $ 25,000 Fellsmere Pond $ 30,000 Downtown Street Lights $ 150,000 Trafton Park Concession Stands $ 25,000 Callahan Park $ 0 Sidewalk Sweeper $ 100,000 Street Sweeper $ 180,000 4 small dumptrucks $ 230,000 Small Trash Truck $ 125,000 Tree Truck $ 250,000 Fire Equipment $ 25,000 Infield Groomer $ 30,000 I.T. Upgradesreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
261-14 1  OrderOrder: That borrowing authorized by Paper #11 and #11A of 2013 be reduced to $13,118,879adoptedPass Action details Not available
261-14 1  OrderOrder: That borrowing authorized by Paper #11 and #11A of 2013 be reduced to $13,118,879rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
239-14 1  PetitionPetition of Lightower Fiber Networks to install approximately 44’ of 4” underground conduit on Main St. (Hearing Required)taken from the tablePass Action details Not available
239-14 1  PetitionPetition of Lightower Fiber Networks to install approximately 44’ of 4” underground conduit on Main St. (Hearing Required)granted with conditionsPass Action details Not available
240-14 1  PetitionPetition of Lightower Fiber Networks to install approximately 60’ of 4” underground conduit on Charles St. (Hearing Required)taken from the table  Action details Not available
240-14 1  PetitionPetition of Lightower Fiber Networks to install approximately 60’ of 4” underground conduit on Charles St. (Hearing Required)granted with conditionsPass Action details Not available
425-13 1  OrdinanceAmending Chapter 12 Section 700.3.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to state licensed family day care facilitiestaken from the tablePass Action details Not available
425-13 1  OrdinanceAmending Chapter 12 Section 700.3.2 of R.O. 1991 relative to state licensed family day care facilitiestabled indefinitelyPass Action details Not available