Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 6/16/2015 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
366-15 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of June 2, 2015approvedPass Action details Not available
367-15 1  Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of June 9, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
368-15 1  PetitionPublic Hearing: On the petition of Volunteers of America and Maine Drilling and Blasting for a blasting permit to remove ledge at 341 Forest St.grantedPass Action details Video Video
369-15 1  PetitionPetition: Verizon New England Inc. to place approximately 100’ of new conduit on the southeasterly side of Maplewood St.granted with conditionsPass Action details Video Video
370-15 1  PetitionClass II: Route 99 Auto, 70 BroadwayreferredPass Action details Video Video
371-15 1  PetitionClass II: City Line Auto Body 76-78 Broadway (New Owner)referredPass Action details Video Video
372-15 1  PetitionClass II: CarMatch Group, LLC 105-109 Broadway (New)referredPass Action details Video Video
373-15 1  PetitionClass II: Malden Auto Brokers, 225 Eastern Ave. (Amendment)referredPass Action details Video Video
374-15 1  PetitionSelf-Service Gas Station: Snap Mart dba Petrola, 245 Main St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
375-15 1  PetitionSelf-Service Gas Station: Wash Depot 1, Inc. 333 Eastern Ave. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
376-15 1  PetitionOutdoor Parking: Rigano’s 1081 Fellsway (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
377-15 1  PetitionOutdoor Parking: TJ Corp. 315 Pleasant St. (Renewal)referredPass Action details Video Video
378-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Ordinance Committee review and make recommendations relative to amending the use variance for two family homes in Residence A zones.referredPass Action details Video Video
379-15 1  OrderOrder: That the City amortize FY15 snow and ice removal costs over FY16 &FY17 ORDERED: That the City of Malden amortize snow and ice removal costs for FY2015 in accordance with the following schedule: FY2016 $ 950,000.00 FY2017 up to $1,000, 000.00referredPass Action details Video Video
380-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Ordinance Committee investigate and make recommendation on the licensing and regulation of Transportation Network Companies operating within the city.referredPass Action details Video Video
TMP-1000 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council endorse the Master Plan of 2010 and adoption of Option 4, the slow growth option, for the City beginning January 1, 2016.referredPass Action details Video Video
382-15 1  ResolutionResolve: That the City Council request the state legislative delegation to file legislation requiring full funding of any new state education mandates.passedPass Action details Video Video
383-15 1  ResolutionResolve: That events scheduling, website and media communications be consolidated under the IT department and provide services to all departments.passedPass Action details Video Video
384-15 1  ResolutionResolve: That the Traffic Commission adopt a regulation providing for city parking permits.amendedPass Action details Video Video
384-15 1  ResolutionResolve: That the Traffic Commission adopt a regulation providing for city parking permits.passed as amendedPass Action details Video Video
385-15 1  ResolutionResolve: That GIS functions and personnel be consolidated with the IT DepartmentpassedPass Action details Video Video
386-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Mayor relative to increasing the FY 2016 Appropriation for the School Department Dear Honorable Members of the Council: I write to request that an additional $500,000 be added to the School Department budget for Fiscal Year 2016. Since we submitted our proposed budget to you on May 7th, it has become clear that the original figure of $65,690,193 is not going to be enough to plan accordingly for the needs of the School Department particularly as it relates to SPED costs. The primary driver centers on an increase in expenses to out-of-district placements. Even with the proposed increase, the School Department will be required to lay off staff to live within the new figure of $66,190,193. The proposed increase of $500,000 will be funded through amortizing this year’s snow and ice deficit over three years rather than two which is the maximum allowed by law. Although not optimum, this would result in $316,667 of the $500,000 needed and the balance would be budgeted for by decreasing Revenue Reserve $99,569, Unemployment Insurance $72,264, and the ROCA Worreceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
387-15 1  CommunicationCommunication and petition from the Fellsmere Heights Neighborhood Association regarding the former Malden Hospital site.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
388-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #268-15 (Parking Regulations, Residential Uses, Minimum Number of Parking Spaces) Re: C.C.P. #268/2015 Amendment of §500.1.2, Ch.12, Rev. Ord. of 1991 as Amended of City of Malden Parking Regulations, Residential Uses, Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. As a result of the public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, six of the eight members present, voted to recommend approval of the amendment as submitted and with the following revision: add a parking requirement for studio dwelling units The minutes of the joint public hearing will be made available at your request. For your reference, attached please find the Planning Report & Recommendation dated June 9, 2015, which was presented at the hearing. Finally, please be advised, that, if the City Council fails to act on the amendment within 90 days of the date the public hearing closed, areceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
389-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #269-15 (Dimensional Controls, Residential Uses, Dwellings, Single-family, Area- Lot Size) Re: C.C.P. #269/2015 Amendment of §400.1.2.1, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991, as Amended, of City of Malden Dimensional Controls, Residential Uses, Dwelling, Single-family, Area (lot size) Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. As a result of the public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, six of the eight members present, voted to recommend approval of the amendment as submitted and with the following revision for subdivisions of three or more: 1. In §400.1.2.1, Footnote + Delete “7,000 square feet” and insert “8,750 square feet.” The minutes of the joint public hearing will be made available at your request. For your reference, attached please find the Planning Report & Recommendation dated June 9, 2015, which was presented at the hearing. Finally, please be advised, that, if the City Councreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
390-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #271-15 (Administration, Board of Appeal) Re: C.C.P. #271/2015 Amendment of §800.4.6.1, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991, as Amended, of City of Malden Administration, Board of Appeal Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly opened a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. Immediately after opening the public hearing, at the request of the City Council Ordinance Committee, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, all eight members present, voted to table the public hearing. At your request, the Planning Board will schedule to reopen the public hearing on this amendment. For your reference, attached please find the Planning Report & Recommendation dated June 9, 2015. I am available to discuss and answer any questions regarding the amendment. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Sincerely, Michelle A. Romero, City Plannerreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
391-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #272-15 (Moratorium on Multifamily Residential Dwellings) Re: C.C.P. #272/2015 Amendment of §800.3, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991, as Amended, of City of Malden Moratorium on Multifamily Residential Dwellings Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. As a result of the public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, all eight members present, voted to not endorse the moratorium and to recommend to the City Council: 1. disapproval of the amendment and 2. follow up on the outstanding actions and pursue the next steps identified in the City of Malden Master Plan of 2010, including review and implement the General Recommendations and complete the Implementation Matrix contained in the Plan. The minutes of the joint public hearing will be made available at your request. For your reference, attached please find the Planning Report & Recommendation dated June 9, 2015, which was presented at thereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
392-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #289-15 (Use Regulations, Dimensional Controls, Parking & Loading Regulations, Definition for Adult Daycare Center) Re: C.C.P. #289/2015 Amendments of §§300, 400, 500 & 800, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991, as Amended, of City of Malden Use Regulations, Dimensional Controls, Parking & Loading Regulations, Definition for Adult Daycare Center Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. As a result of the public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, all eight members present, voted to recommend approval of the amendments as submitted and with the following revisions: 1. §§300, 400, 500 and 800 Delete “Adult Daycare Center” and insert “Adult Day Health Center” 2. §800.6, Definition Insert “licensed by the state Department of Public Health,” after the words “An entity,” The minutes of the joint public hearing will be made available at your request. For your reference, attached please find threceived and filedPass Action details Not available
393-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #303-15 (Use Regulations, Dimensional Conrols, Parking & Loading Regulations, Definition for Asphalt, Brick, Concrete & Soil Recycling) Re: C.C.P. #303/2015 Amendments of §§300, 400, 500 & 800, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991, as Amended, of City of Malden Use Regulations, Dimensional Controls, Parking & Loading Regulations, Definition for Asphalt, Brick, Concrete & Soil Recycling Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendment. As a result of the public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, all eight members present, voted to recommend approval of the amendments as submitted and with the following revisions: 1. §400.1.5.11, Dimensional Controls Under the column “Side,” change 10’ to 15’ Under the column “Both Sides,” change 20’ to 30’ 2. §800.6.2, Definition Add the following language: “Asphalt, Brick, Concrete & Soil Recycling may not be allowed as an accessory use to any other use and received and filedPass Action details Not available
394-15 1  CommunicationCommunication from the Planning Board relative to Paper #270-15 (Dimensional Controls, Residential Uses, Area) Re: C.C.P. #270/2015 Amendments of §400.1.2, Ch.12, R. O. of 1991, as Amended, of City of Malden Dimensional Controls, Residential Uses, Area (lot size) Dear Councilors: On June 9, 2015, the Planning Board and City Council Ordinance Committee jointly held a public hearing regarding the above-referenced proposed amendments. As a result of the public hearing, a majority of the Planning Board, namely, six of the eight members present, voted to recommend approval of the amendments as submitted and with the following revisions for Dwelling, Two-family, for subdivisions of three or more: 1. §400., Footnote ++ Delete “12,000 square feet” and insert “15,000 square feet.” 2. §400., Footnote +++ Delete “6,000 square feet” and insert “7,500 square feet.” The minutes of the joint public hearing will be made available at your request. For your reference, attached please find the Planning Report & Recommendation dated June 9, 2015, which was presented at threceived and filedPass Action details Video Video
395-15 1  ClaimClaim: Theresa Ventura 44 Hardin Rd., Melrose, MA 02176referredPass Action details Video Video
396-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Finance ( Paper #308 Annual Appropriation Order for FY2016) The Standing Committee on Finance, to whom was referred Paper #308 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that the Appropriation Order for FY16 be rejected and sent back to the Mayor, who will work with the Finance Chair to create a budget with all necessary changes and edits.received and filedPass Action details Video Video
308-15 1  OrderAnnual Appropriation Order for FY2016defeatedPass Action details Video Video
397-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #363 Mayor’s Appointment of Judith Bucci, 69 Brentwood St. as a member of the Licensing Board) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments, to whom was referred Paper #363 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this appointment be confirmed. Councillor Anderson for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
363-15 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Judith Bucci, 69 Brentwood St. as member of the Licensing Board for term expiring June 1, 2018.confirmedPass Action details Not available
398-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #318 Mayor’s Re-Appointment of Shannon Brandano, 80 Adams St.. as a member of the Board of Appeal) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments, to whom was referred Paper #318 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this appointment be confirmed. Councillor Anderson for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
318-15 1  AppointmentMayor’s Re-Appointment: Shannon Brandano, 80 Adams St. as member of the Board of Appeal for term expiring March 1, 2018.confirmedPass Action details Not available
399-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #344 Mayor’s Appointment of Eric MacCuish, 101 Hill Street, as a member of the Planning Board) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments, to whom was referred Paper #344 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that this appointment be confirmed. Councillor Anderson for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
344-15 1  AppointmentMayor’s Appointment: Eric MacCuish, 101 Hill Street, as a member of the Planning Board for term expiring March 1, 2016.confirmedPass Action details Not available
400-15 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: Compliance/Appointments (Paper #294 Council’s Re-appointment of Kunwar Singh, 1127 Salem St. as a member of the Board of Health) The Standing Committee on Compliance/Appointments, to whom was referred Paper #294 Series of 2015, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends that Kunwar Singh be appointed. Councillor Anderson for the Committeereceived and filedPass Action details Not available
294-15 1  AppointmentCouncil Re- Appointment: Dr. Kunwar Singh, 1127 Salem St. as a member of the Board of Health for a term expiring March 1, 2018.appointedPass Action details Not available
118-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Finance Committee meet with the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority relative to the Malden Hospital site.taken from the tablePass Action details Video Video
118-15 1  OrderOrder: That the Finance Committee meet with the Executive Director of the Malden Redevelopment Authority relative to the Malden Hospital site.tabledPass Action details Video Video
325-15 1  OrderOrder: That the General Rules Governing the City of Malden Switchbox Beautification Program be amendedtaken from the tablePass Action details Video Video
325-15 1  OrderOrder: That the General Rules Governing the City of Malden Switchbox Beautification Program be amendedamendedPass Action details Video Video
325-15 1  OrderOrder: That the General Rules Governing the City of Malden Switchbox Beautification Program be amendedadopted as amendedPass Action details Video Video
401-15 1  OrderOrdered: That the City create a Long Term Budget & Capital Planning Steering Committee.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
401-15 1  OrderOrdered: That the City create a Long Term Budget & Capital Planning Steering Committee.referredPass Action details Not available