Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2023 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers 215 Pleasant Street Malden, MA 02148
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
365-23 1  Council ItemOn behalf of the Mayor, OSPCD Director, Deborah Burke, will provide update on redevelopment initiatives at Overlook Ridge.   Action details Not available
366-23 1  Council MinutesMinutes for the meeting of October 10, 2023approvedPass Action details Not available
367-23 1  Council MinutesMinutes for the meeting of October 17, 2023approvedPass Action details Not available
368-23 1  PetitionPetition: Livery: Murat Emen, 607 Highland Avenue, Malden, 1 vehicle (New)referredPass Action details Not available
369-23 1  PetitionPetition: Outdoor Parking: Northeast Transport & Snow Services Inc. 531R Broadway, Malden, 10 spaces (Renewal)referredPass Action details Not available
370-23 1  PetitionPetition: Bowling Alley: Town Line Ten Pin Corp. 665 Broadway, Malden, 48 Lanes (Renewal)referredPass Action details Not available
371-23 1  PetitionPetition: Pool Tables: Town Line Ten Pin Corp. 665 Broadway, Malden, 15 tables (Renewal)referredPass Action details Not available
350-23 1  OrderOrder: That the Council President will present the 2023 City Council Rule Book for review and approval of the BodyadoptedPass Action details Not available
372-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the Malden City Council that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) be hereby amended by updating Title 2, Chapter 24, Section 040 PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS SALARY SCHEDULEreferredPass Action details Not available
373-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the Malden City Council that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) be hereby amended by updating Title 2, Chapter 24, Section 090 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISORS SALARY SCHEDULEreferredPass Action details Not available
374-23 1  OrderOrdered: That the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) is transferred from Salary Reserve (0010-996-5110) to Parking Salaries (0010-481-5120)referredPass Action details Not available
375-23 1  OrderOrdered: That the sum of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) is transferred from Salary Reserve (0010-996-5110) to DPW Labor Salaries (0010-421-5120)referredPass Action details Not available
376-23 1  OrderOrdered: That the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) is transferred from Salary Reserve (0010-996-5110) to Cemetery Labor Salaries (0010-491-5120)referredPass Action details Not available
377-23 1  ResolutionResolve: That it is the sense of the Malden City Council that they wish to invite Malden Poet Laureate CD Collins to appear to present work being done throughout the City to advocate for literary arts and advance appreciation of poetry for all.passedPass Action details Not available
378-23 1  ResolutionResolve: That it is the sense of the Malden City Council that there should be a follow up on the decision to hire a consultant to be engaged to help the Council develop a set of norms through a collaborative process.passedPass Action details Not available
379-23 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: The Standing Committee on Finance to whom was referred Paper #325 Series of 2023, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends this paper out favorably to the Full Council as amended.received and filedPass Action details Not available
325-23 1  OrderOrder: That the City of Malden rescinds the following amounts that have been authorized to be borrowed, but which have not been borrowed and are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were initially approved:adopted as amendedPass Action details Not available
380-23 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: The Standing Committee on Finance to whom was referred Paper #326 Series of 2023, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends this paper out favorably to the Full Council.received and filedPass Action details Not available
326-23 1  OrderOrder: That the City Council accept the provisions of M.G.L. c. 203C, the Massachusetts Prudent Investor Act, and adopt the local option allowing Municipal Treasurers to apply the Prudent Investor Rule to optimize returns on trust fund monies.adoptedPass Action details Not available
381-23 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: The Standing Committee on Rules & Ordinance to whom was referred Paper 220 Series of 2023, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends this paper as amended out favorably to the Full Councilreceived and filedPass Action details Not available
220-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Malden that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) is hereby amended by adding Title 9, Chapter .08, Section 030 REMOVAL OF LITTER AT ENTRANCES Every person or business that holds a license to sell tobacco or nicotine delivery products from the City of Malden Board of Health shall, at its own expense, provide, place, and regularly maintain a cigarette litter receptacle at any public entrance and employee smoking areas. Receptacles shall include signage that consists of simple signs, decals, or stickers that serve to inform and remind patrons to use the receptacle and that littering is against the law. Every such business shall weekly sweep up litter associated with tobacco and nicotine delivery products such as cigarette butts and packaging from any sidewalk abutting such business. Violations of this section may be punished by agents of the Board of Health and the Public Works Department in the manner provided in Mass. Gen. Laws c. 40 § 21D according to the punishment schedule set forth in Section 6.12.040.amendedPass Action details Not available
220-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Malden that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) is hereby amended by adding Title 9, Chapter .08, Section 030 REMOVAL OF LITTER AT ENTRANCES Every person or business that holds a license to sell tobacco or nicotine delivery products from the City of Malden Board of Health shall, at its own expense, provide, place, and regularly maintain a cigarette litter receptacle at any public entrance and employee smoking areas. Receptacles shall include signage that consists of simple signs, decals, or stickers that serve to inform and remind patrons to use the receptacle and that littering is against the law. Every such business shall weekly sweep up litter associated with tobacco and nicotine delivery products such as cigarette butts and packaging from any sidewalk abutting such business. Violations of this section may be punished by agents of the Board of Health and the Public Works Department in the manner provided in Mass. Gen. Laws c. 40 § 21D according to the punishment schedule set forth in Section 6.12.040.enrolled as amendedPass Action details Not available
220-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Malden that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) is hereby amended by adding Title 9, Chapter .08, Section 030 REMOVAL OF LITTER AT ENTRANCES Every person or business that holds a license to sell tobacco or nicotine delivery products from the City of Malden Board of Health shall, at its own expense, provide, place, and regularly maintain a cigarette litter receptacle at any public entrance and employee smoking areas. Receptacles shall include signage that consists of simple signs, decals, or stickers that serve to inform and remind patrons to use the receptacle and that littering is against the law. Every such business shall weekly sweep up litter associated with tobacco and nicotine delivery products such as cigarette butts and packaging from any sidewalk abutting such business. Violations of this section may be punished by agents of the Board of Health and the Public Works Department in the manner provided in Mass. Gen. Laws c. 40 § 21D according to the punishment schedule set forth in Section 6.12.040.rules suspendedPass Action details Not available
220-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Malden that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) is hereby amended by adding Title 9, Chapter .08, Section 030 REMOVAL OF LITTER AT ENTRANCES Every person or business that holds a license to sell tobacco or nicotine delivery products from the City of Malden Board of Health shall, at its own expense, provide, place, and regularly maintain a cigarette litter receptacle at any public entrance and employee smoking areas. Receptacles shall include signage that consists of simple signs, decals, or stickers that serve to inform and remind patrons to use the receptacle and that littering is against the law. Every such business shall weekly sweep up litter associated with tobacco and nicotine delivery products such as cigarette butts and packaging from any sidewalk abutting such business. Violations of this section may be punished by agents of the Board of Health and the Public Works Department in the manner provided in Mass. Gen. Laws c. 40 § 21D according to the punishment schedule set forth in Section 6.12.040.ordainedPass Action details Not available
382-23 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: The Standing Committee on Rules & Ordinance to whom was referred Paper 331 Series of 2023, having considered the same make the following report: Citing Council Rule 32.01, Committee recommends Paper 331 be split. Language regarding job descriptions for elected officials remains as Paper 331 and was placed on the table within Committee. Language regarding COLA was used to create new Paper 362-23 and is reported out favorably to the full City Council.received and filedPass Action details Not available
362-23 1  OrdinanceBe it ordained by the City Council of the City of Malden that the Code of the City of Malden (MCC) Title 2, Chapter .20, Section .020 ELECTED OFFICIALS SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN is hereby amended by inserting the following language underneath the salary chart: In order to keep pace with inflation and the cost of living, the Human Resources Director shall report to the Mayor and the City Council for their consideration, by September 1 of odd-numbered years, the following: 1) what the average percentage salary increase for city employees has been in the prior two years, and 2) what a comparable change would be for the salaries of elected officials.enrolledPass Action details Not available
383-23 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: The Standing Committee on License to whom was referred, Papers 322 Series of 2023, having considered the same make the following report: Committee recommends these papers out favorably to the Full Council.received and filedPass Action details Not available
322-23 1  PetitionPetition: Livery: Zhisheng Liang, 15 Burridge Place, Malden, 1 vehicle (New)grantedPass Action details Not available
384-23 1  Committee ReportCommittee Report: The Standing Committee on License to whom was referred, Papers #348 and 349 Series 2023, having considered the same make the following report:received and filedPass Action details Not available
348-23 1  PetitionPetition: Livery: On Point Transportation, 210 Lebanon St. Apt. B, Malden, 1 vehicle (New)grantedPass Action details Not available
349-23 1  PetitionPetition: Livery: A.B. Limo Services, Inc. 51 Claremont Street, Malden, 1 vehicle (New)grantedPass Action details Not available
138-22 1  OrderOrder: That the Malden City Council establish “The Malden Youth Council” special subcommittee of the Community Engagement and Inclusion Committee.   Action details Not available
399-22 1  PetitionPetition: Boston Gas d/b/a National Grid, 40 Sylvan Road, Waltham MA, W.O. No. 90000XX to install a new gas Regulator Station on Green Street near the intersection of Medford Street in accordance with the attached plans. Hearing required   Action details Not available
171-23 1  PetitionPetition: Massachusetts Electric Company dba National Grid of North Andover, Plan #30683608 to construct a line of underground electric conduits located at the intersection of Eastern Avenue and Marlboro Street in accordance with the attached plans (Hearing Required)   Action details Not available
172-23 1  PetitionPetition: Massachusetts Electric Company dba National Grid of North Andover, Plan #30511632 to construct a line of underground electric conduits located at the intersection of Main Street and Cross Street in accordance with the attached plans (Hearing Required)   Action details Not available
214-23 1  PetitionPetition: ExteNet Systems, 3030 Warrenville Road, Suite 340 Lisle, IL , Project No. 100523 - ExteNet Systems seeking grant of location to install fiber conduit beginning at a point approximately located at 244-248 Main Street running up to approximately 22 Charles Street. (Hearing Required)   Action details Not available