Order: Be it ordained that the Code of the City of Malden Title 12, Chapter 28, Section 140 ROWE'S QUARRY RECLAMATION AND REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT be hereby amended to allow multifamily dwelling use of property in the Rowe's Quarry Reclamation and Redevelopment District (RQRRD), subdistrict RQ3; to amend use regulations, dimensional requirements, parking requirements and affordability/inclusionary zoning requirements for development of property in the RQRRD, subdistrict RQ3; and to establish a six-story maximum height for multifamily dwellings allowed by right and by Site Plan Review in the RQRRD.
Further, to add the following provision as proposed new subsection 12.28.140.C.4.E: LOCAL PREFERENCE FOR MALDEN RESIDENTS To the maximum extent permitted by law, preference for Malden residents shall be given for Affordable Housing Units and Age-Restricted Housing Units in RQ3.